Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cruising in the mustang

Carson loves to ride in the car with Claire. He also loves to play the radio. One night we let Claire take Carson for a ride down the street. They had so much fun!

Fun with Friends

Peyton and Reagan came over on Labor Day to play with Claire and Carson. The two little ones watched while Claire and Peyton had a blast driving the car. Claire is still learning to drive the car, but loved that Peyton was here to drive her around. They have so much fun together.

Carson 9 months

At Carson's 9 month doctor's appointment his stats were:
19 lbs. 13 1/2 oz. (25%)
28 inches (59%)

He has his two bottom teeth and the top two front teeth are currently coming in. He has been doing the army crawl for the past three months, but is now actually crawling on his hands and knees. The boy is all over the place! He's pulling up on everything and is now walking behind chairs and his push toy. He's growing so fast. What a sweet little boy he is!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Claire and Peyton.....Best Friends

Claire and Peyton are the best of friends. They have so much fun playing together. She is very fond of her friend "Peyt," as she calls him.