Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Women's Retreat

This past weekend Corrie (sister inlaw) and I went to Pismo for a women's retreat with our church. Melissa and Tiffany, our friends from small group, went with us as well. It was my first time away from Claire. I was a little nervous about leaving her since she doesn't take a bottle well. I was not nervous at all about leaving her with Josh. He is such a good daddy. I knew he could handle it! Well, to my surprise, Claire did great with the bottle. She and Josh had a good weekend together and I had a great time with the girls. The retreat was good, but the fellowship was even better.It was nice to get away and spend some quality time with the girls!

Since I have been back, Claire has taken a bottle from me 3 times! No fussing at all. She has gulped down the milk. If all continues to go well, hopefully, I can have her weaned from breastfeeding by next week! Yeah!!!!!

Claire should be getting her helmet this week. I'll post a picture of her in her new attire as soon as I can. Also, one week and counting until Grammy comes to visit! We are so excited!


dancy said...

I did not realize you were still BF...way to go!! Good luck with weaning to the bottle.