Thursday, August 7, 2008

We're having a......

We had our sonogram today and found out we're having a ........BOY!!!!! We're very excited, especially Josh! He is weighing in at 1 lb. 3 oz. The sonogram went well, but it came back with two red flags,I guess you would say. First, his bowel lit up showing it may be an echogenic bowel. So he had me go get tested for CMV and Cystic Fibrosis. Second, one of the ventricles in his brain is measuring 1.1 where normal is 1.0. He said it could be nothing, just the way it showed up on the sonogram. So he scheduled me to see Dr. Koss, a perinatologist from UCLA. He will do another sonogram and let us know more. Hopefully, it is nothing. But whatever the outcome, he will be one loved little boy. Please just say a prayer that everything will be okay or if it's not, that there is nothing else wrong. I know that God will take care of us and this little boy and he has already blessed us so much.


LKW said...

YAY!! A boy!! Congrats! We will definitely be thinking about you guys and praying for good reports from all of your tests. Keep us posted.

Todd, Story and Hudson said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! You are so going to love being a boy mom! It is so fun. I am so excited for you. Keep me posted on the tests. I am definitely praying for you guys.