Friday, April 24, 2009

Carson 4 months and Claire 19 months

It's hard to believe that Carson is already 4 months old. At his doctor's appointment he weighed 15 lbs. 1 oz. and was 25 inches long. He's a growing boy and doing great. We found out a few months back that Carson was born with a partial cleft lip. We knew that his nose was crooked when he was born, but didn't think too much about it at first. As he was getting bigger, we noticed that it wasn't straightening out and his upper lip did not meet exactly in the middle. The pediatrician noticed it and refered him to see a specialist. We met with Dr. Lewin, who confirmed that he does have a partial cleft lip. She said when everything was fusing together, this didn't fuse all the way. So, Carson will have surgery on June 1. It will be outpatient and should be an easy surgery. Please say some prayers for our little man. As you know, his mother will be very nervous!

Claire is doing great. She's 19 months old and is very active. She loves to play outside, go to the softball games with her grandparents, loves to ride in her car, loves reading books and taking care of her babies. Her new favorite word is "NO" and she shakes her head when saying it. If you tell her no, she throws herself on the ground and cries! Oh what fun it is at our house. I just pray this stage will pass soon!


the Van's said...

I am so sorry that Carson is going to have to have surgery!! I did not know!!! We will all be saying prayers for y'all!!!
Love You!!