Friday, April 24, 2009

Our trip to Mississippi

We went to Mississippi during Josh's spring break. We flew out of LAX and Claire spotted her first Hollywood Celebrity....Michael Clarke Duncan. He played in the Green Mile and is currently on Two and a Half Men. He was so nice to let Claire have her picture made with him...and she even smiled for the camera!

We had a lot of fun while we were home, despite me getting the stomach bug! We had all the family over on Sunday and then again on Tuesday night. We shopped, went to the zoo, had an Easter Egg Hunt and had a great time visiting with all of our friends. We even went to dinner at Cock of the walk.

Claire had a great time playing outside in Grammy and Pop's backyard. She had two toy cars to ride on and she put a lot of miles on them. She kept her grandparents on the go. Carson did great, as usual. He met a lot of new people and had a great first trip to the South!

While we were home, we had their pictures made. Claire did not want to sit and we got a few of her. Carson was all smiles and did great. They turned out really good and I can't wait to get them.

Overall, our trip was wonderful. The kids did well on the plane even though the flight home was delayed 3 hours because of the weather. We look forward to going back in June!


Lewis Family said...

Checking out your blog with Cade on my lap and he keeps shouting "Claire-Bear, Claire-Bear" over and over again!!! He misses her I think!