Thursday, January 3, 2008

4 Months Old!

Claire is four months old and so much fun. She is smiling all the time and is very social. She loves watching everything we do. She is rolling over from her tummy to her back and is trying to roll from her back to her tummy. She is growing so fast! She started eating rice cereal and loves it. She gets it all over her....even in her hair. We are having a hard time getting her to take a bottle. She screams and wants nothing to do with it. Hopefully, she will transition into this soon. I don't want her to starve while I'm at work. Any suggestions on what to do?


The Owen Family said...

Hey Kristi! This is Laura Buchanan Owen...I found your blog through Story's...I love blogs!!! Your family is so precious...Claire is a cutie! I love keeping up with people and what they are up to these days. We have one, although I have not updated it since October
Where do ya'll live? We are in Hattiesburg. We have two boys Thomas (5) and Logan (19months) good to catch up with you on your blog!!!