Friday, September 5, 2008

Desperate mom in need of help!

As many of you know, Claire is a terrible sleeper. From day one, she has not liked sleeping much at all. The only way I can get her to sleep is to rock her. Over the last few months, she has been waking up every few hours and not wanting to go back to sleep. So out of exhaustion and frustration, I just put her in the bed with us. I never said I would do this, but it worked. But now, I really need her to stay in her bed. I've read quite a few books and nothing seems to work with her. Last night I tried just laying her back down and patting her back. It worked for a little bit and then she would wake up. She gets so upset she makes herself throwup, which is not fun when you are tired as well. At midnight I gave up. I let her win! I'm so frustrated that she can't stay asleep and won't go back to sleep. Any suggestions on what to do! I've got to get her to stay in her crib before Carson gets here or I will be nuts!


Dehmer Family said...

Nash had some of the same issues. I had a cd player in his room and continuosly played soft music all night. If that doesn't seem to work you may have to have sleep boot camp. It sounds harsh but if she makes herself throw up, get her up,change her clothes and put her right back to bed. It may take even a week but she will finally learn to stay in her bed. My pediatrician told me that sleep is a learned habit and we as parents have to teach them how to do it correctly. You will be so much happier if you and josh can have "your time" back. Just get tough and stick it out. You can do it!!!

Leigh Ann said...

Sounds like another Charlotte! It is so hard. I'm sorry for you! We cleaned up lots of throw up and rocked and rocked and rocked! At 18 mos we moved her to a big bed to prepare for John David and she began to sleep better. Don't beat yourself up. Some babies just aren't sleepers. She'll give up eventually after you've all worn yourselves out. It's just tough on everyone. We put a sound machine in her room and ours. It drounded out the crying a little:) Good luck...this too shall pass.

Todd, Story and Hudson said...

Lindsay is right. She told me what to do and it worked. I had about 5 bad nights ... and my life got a WHOLE lot easier!

The Owen Family said...

Hey..I say what Lindsey says. Both of mine did not sleep until they were a year old...woke up all good WAS AWFUL!!! I read all those "nice" books of patting them, routine, bla bla, I tried them all for a year each with both and none of them work. I finally decided to completely let them cry and it was a hard several nights...they cry to go to bed and cry if they wake up...and after a week, it was like magic, they SLEPT!!! and still do..just prepare for a few long nights of friend Kathryn has a 3 year old, a set of one year old twins, and a 5 month old and she does this with all her of hers from day one and they all sleep...otherwise she would never sleep. HOpe that helps! the few nights of suffering will be worth it in the end. good luck!

Beth said...

I totally agree. Boot camp is hard, awful, terrible...but it works. Sleep is a learned skill in my opinion too. Little ones grow so dependant on us to put them back to sleep when they wake up. They have to learn to go back to sleep on their own - hard lesson,huh. Good luck. Hang in there. You are smart to attack it now before the baby gets here.