Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Good News and the Crying It Out Method

I don't have gestational diabetes. All my blood glucose values were within normal range! Yea!!!

Thanks to all of my friends, we are trying the crying it out method with Claire. Last night was horrible. She cried for 30 minutes then fell asleep, only to wake up 30 minutes later. She cried for an hour and then slept until 12:30a.m. All I had to do was pat her back and she went back to sleep. But at 2:30a.m. she woke up and cried for an hour. Finally at 3:30a.m. she fell asleep and stayed asleep until 7a.m. So we tried it again tonight. Same routine. This time she only cried for 5 minutes and was asleep. But when I walked in to her room to check on her, a very fowl odor hit me smack in the face. There was my sweet baby sound asleep in her own vomit. So, we had to change the sheet, her clothes and wipe her down since she smelled so bad! But she layed back down and only cried for about 5 minutes and was asleep. So as I type this, she is still asleep and I pray that it continues. I will give more updates later in the week!


Lewis Family said...

Sorry I didn't comment earlier about the "cry it out thing," but a few tips that REALLY worked for us. Cade did not like to be touched if I wasnt going to pick him up and rock him so I used "word cues." I would walk in say, "Cade, mommy's still here, go back to sleep." And quickly leave. By the time I use the bathroom and lay down in bed he would already asleep. (We still go throught this maybe 2 times a month.) Cade never vomited, but he did go #2 several times, so I would leave all lights off, change him quietly, and put him in his crib using the same word cues. I NEVER change my routine or pick him up unless he is sick, so he never expects to be comforted by me in the middle of the night, I just think consistancy is key. Hope it all keeps goinng well!

MeganK said...

Cute new blog frame!!!
Okay, I didn't have to go through any of this...but I think you should keep it up with the "cry it out". I remember my pediatrician saying something about after 5-6 months, they need to learn to self soothe. Colton does choke himself (hand down the throat) when he's really, really upset with me or Nick, and I have vowed to leave him in his vomit shirt, should it get to that point (Saw that on John and Kate plus 8). Anyhow, maybe Claire won't like that smell on her. HANG IN THERE!!! She's so cute...good thing, huh? :-)

the Van's said...

Hey Kristi!! I am sorry that you have been having problems with Miss Claire!!! I am sure it has been hard. I am so proud that she is walking so good now!!! GO CLAIRE!!! You look so good!! I just hope that if I ever do have a baby that I look as good as you do!! I am glad to hear that Josh is liking his new job too!! Miss y'all soooo much!!

Dehmer Family said...

Yea Claire. Sounds like yall are on the right track! Sweet Dreams!!!!