Monday, October 6, 2008

It's been a while

Sorry it's been so long since I last posted anything. We've been busy at our house. Mom came to visit two weeks ago and we have been doing a lot around our house. She helped me transform Claire's room into Claire and Carson's room. We're just waiting on his furniture and it should be complete. She was a big help with Claire since I'm getting bigger and am very tired some days. We also had a lot of fun while she was here. I had a baby shower last weekend so it was great that she was here for it. We went to the park, went on strolls, played a lot and went to the pumpkin patch. I'll post all our great pictures. Today is her birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM aka GRAMMY! Have a wonderful birthday. We miss you already!

I've been feeling really good these days...just tired. Now that it has FINALLY cooled off, I feel so much better. Not as tired and I have a lot more energy. I go to the doctor next Wednesday and they will do another ultrasound. Please pray that everything will look good....hopefully no echogenic bowel.

Here is a picture of me at 30 weeks. I'm getting bigger but the days are getting closer. Carson will be here before we know it!


Dehmer Family said...

You are the cutest pregnant person I have ever seen!